Reinstalling Driver for Mellanox Connect-X 5

Network interface ibxxx disapeared after reboot? Try reinstalling driver!

  1. Check system distribution

     ~# cat /etc/issue 
     Ubuntu 21.10 \n \l           
  2. Download driver for your system from MLNX_OFED Download Center
  3. Unzip and install with

     ~# tar -zxvf MLNX_...tgz && cd MLNX_...
     ~# ./mlnxofedinstall
  4. Wait
  5. Restart IB service

     ~# /etc/init.d/openibd restart
  6. Verify

     ~# ip addr
     7: ibp175s0: <BROADCAST,...
         link/infiniband 00:0...

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