Streaming Media Technology


Two learning manners

  • Bottom-up

    stimulus-driven, mostly obtained from early features, task independent

  • Top-down

    related to recognition processing, influenced by prior knowledge (e.g. tasks to be performed, feature distribution of target, context of visual scene, etc.)


  • Saliency Detection


Classification: ROC Curve and AUC

  • ROC

    \[\text{TODO:}\ Alg.\]
  • AOC: area under curve

    • shuffled AUC (sAUC) [Zhang et al.]: eliminating edge effect

Salient Object Detection


Classification: Precision and Recall

F-Score Definition

  • PR curve: precision, recall, and F-measure

SLIC Superpixels Segmentation


  • Manifold ranking 流形排序
  • Absorbing Markov-chain


受位置约束的颜色空间 K-means 分类

  1. uniform seeding
  2. calculate distance, and label after argmin seed

    \[D(k,i) = d_{lab}(k,i) + \frac{m}{S} d_{xy}(k,i)\]
  3. enforce connectivity
    • remove small isolated regions

Semi-Supervised Learning

  • exploit prior knowledge from unlabeled data

Local and Global Consistency (LGC)


  • nearby samples are likely having same label
  • samples on same structure (refered to as cluster / manifold) are likely having same label

Take assumption to math…

cost function / energy function (*proposed, may have other forms)

\[\begin{aligned} &E(F) = \underbrace{\sum_i(F_i - Y_i)^2}_\text{label fitness} + \underbrace{\frac{1}{2} \lambda \sum_{ij} w_{ij} (\frac{F_i}{\sqrt{d_{ii}}} - \frac{F_j}{\sqrt{d_{jj}}})^2}_\text{manifold smoothness} \\ \Rightarrow &F \sim (I - \frac{\lambda}{1+\lambda}D^{-\frac{1}{2}}WD^{-\frac{1}{2}})^{-1} Y \end{aligned}\]

BP Network

  • 若希望输出和原始输入一样,则为常见的自编码网络
    • 正交矩阵,输入特征正交性较好,互不相关