Computer System Analysis and Performance Evaluation



Objects 目标

  • Performance abstraction, representation & conprehensive analysis

    e.g. 人 = 德 + 智 + 体 + …

  • Optimally designing systems / selection

  • Queueing theory, Petri nets & conbination of tests and simulations


  • Measurements

    given system (post-prototype), given workload

  • Simulation modeling

    system / environment not given

  • Analytical modeling


    probability, stochastic process, queueing systems, queueing networks, Petri nets, Markov-chain, etc.



  • Meet intended application
  • Meet efficiency & reliability requirements
  • To design / build / operate systems near its optimal level of processing power under given requirements

Measures 度量

  • Response time (definition varies)
  • Waiting time, processing time

    queueing vs. serving

  • Utilization
  • Throughput
  • Missionability 可用性

    If system remain operational for entire duration of a mission.

    • Reliability

      Probability of system performing correctly throughout a mission.

  • Dependability

    Reliability over long run.

    Number of failures / day, MTTF, MTTR, long-term availability

Reliability vs. Dependability


  • Useful for system where failure is catastrophic
  • Focusing on short-term mission.


  • Useful for systems where repair is possible and failure is tolerable.
  • Focusing on long-term overall bahavior.


  • Measurements

    1. Design experiment.
    2. Gather data of performance parameters (hardware / software / hybrid).
    3. Statistical analysis to draw meaningful concolusion.
  • Simulation modeling

    1. Construct system behavior model.
    2. Drive the model with appropriate abstraction of workload.

    Involving experiment design, data gathering & analysis.

  • Analytic modeling

    1. Construct mathematical model

      Queueing, Markov-chain, Petri, etc.

    2. Solve It!

A Systematic Approach

  1. State goals and define system
  2. List system services and outcomes
  3. Select performance metrics
  4. List parameters that affect performance
  5. Select factors to study
  6. Select evaluation technique
  7. Select workload
  8. Design experiment
  9. Analyze and interpret data


  • 条件概率

    \[P(B|A) = \frac{P(AB)}{P(A)}\]
  • 事件独立

    \[P(AB) = P(A) P(B)\]

设 \(\Omega = E_1 + \dots + E_n\),则

  • 全概率公式

    \[P(A) = \sum_i{P(A|E_i)P(E_i)}\]
  • 贝叶斯公式(后验概率公式)

    \[P(E_i|A) = \frac{P(A|E_i)P(E_i)}{\sum_j{P(A|E_j)P(E_j)}}\]

    e.g. 线路传输问题,由以往数据传输统计数据,计算收到结果的可靠性。


  • 伯努利分布(0-1分布、两点分布)
  • 二项分布

    \[P\{X=k\} = C_n^k p_k (1-p)^{n-k}, \quad 0 \leq k \leq n\]
  • 几何分布(伯努利试验首次成功的试验次数)

    \[P\{X=m\} = p (1-p)^{m-1}, \quad m = 1, 2, \dots\]
  • 泊松分布

    \[P\{X=k\} = \frac{\lambda^k}{k!} e^{-\lambda}, \quad k=0,1,\dots\]

    期望与方差均为 \(\lambda\)。

  • 正态分布
  • Γ分布



  • 平稳性

    事件发生概率与考虑的微小时间段 \(\Delta t\) 成正比,但与起起始与终止位置无关

  • 稀有性

    在微小时间段发生 2 次以上事件的概率 → 0

  • 无后效性


  • 微分性

    \(P\{X(t)=n\}\) 关于 \(t\) 可微


对于泊松事件流,在长为 \(t\) 的时间间隔内事件出现的次数 \(v(t)\) 服从参数为 \(\lambda t\) 的泊松分布。


泊松过程中观察任务到达时间间隔 \(T_a\),则

\[\begin{aligned} P\{T_a < t\} &= 1 - P\{T_a \geq t\} = 1 - e^{-\lambda t } &\text{(t内多个任务到达)}\\ E(T_a) &= \frac{1}{\lambda} \end{aligned}\]



\[\{X(t), t \in \text{状态集(参数集、索引集)}\ T\}\]
  • 离散参数(\(t\))的随机过程:随机序列
  • 离散状态(\(X(t)\))的随机过程:链



\[P\{X(t) \leq x | X(t_n) = x_n, \dots, X(t_1)=x_1\} = P\{X(t) \leq x | X(t_n)=x_n\}\]




  • Types of workloads
    • Instruction Mixes
      • average instruction time
      • performance of processor only a factor of entire system performance
    • Processing Kernels
      • generalization of Instruction Mixes
    • Application Benchmark
  • Performance monitoring
    • to measure resource utilizations & to find performance bottleneck
    • Event, Trace, Overhead, Domain, Input rate, Input width, Resolution
    • Event-driven, Timer-driven (Sampling)
  • Summarizing measured data
    • Sample Mean / Median, Geometric Mean, Variability
  • Experimental design
    • Full Factorial Design 全因子设计

Queueing Theory

Properties of Queues

  • Arrival Process (A) 输入到达过程
    • arrival rate \(\lambda\)
    • waiting time \(T_w\)
  • Service Time Distribution (S) 服务时间
    • service time \(T_s\), service rate \(\mu=T_s\)
    • utilization \(\rho\)
    • 即使处理能力确定,但服务时间可能在不同时刻不一样(考虑缓存情况),但认为其分布确定

time spent in system \(T_q = T_w + T_s\)

  • Number of Servers (m)
  • System Capacity (B) 系统容量
  • Population Size (K)
  • Service Discipline (SD)

Inter-arrival and service times are typically

  • M Exponential, memoryless (Markov’s process)
  • D Deterministic, times are constant
  • G General, distribution not specified

Simple queueing system


Single server

  • \[\rho = \lambda T_s\]
  • \[q = w + \rho\]
  • maximum arrival rate \(\lambda_\text{max}=\frac{1}{T_s}\)
  • departure rate \(\min{\{\lambda, \lambda_\text{max}\}}\)

Multiple servers (single / multiple queues)

  • \[\rho = \lambda / n \cdot T_s\]
  • \[q = w + n \rho\]
  • maximunm arrical rate \(\lambda_\text{max}=\frac{n}{T_s}\)
  • departure rate \(\min{\{\lambda, \lambda_\text{max}\}}\)

General formula (Little’s formula)

  • 系统中平均用户数 \(q = \lambda T_q\)
    • 即从用户进入系统到出系统时间中,平均进入系统的新用户人数
  • 队列中平均等待用户数 \(w = \lambda T_w\)

M/M/n modeling

arrival Markov 泊松分布, serve Markov 负指数分布, n servers

M/M/1 modeling

Assume \(N(t)\) be number of customers in system at time \(t\), \(\{N(t), t \geq 0\}\) is continuous and homogeneous Markov’s link (birth and death process)


\[p(X_s + T = j | X_s = i) = f(T)\]
  • server utilization \(\rho = \lambda / \mu\)
  • stable states distribution \(\{\eta_k, k \geq 0\}\)

    \[\begin{aligned} &\underbrace{\eta_{k-1} \lambda + \eta_{k+1} \mu}_\text{State k's generation rate} = \underbrace{\eta_k (\lambda + \mu)}_\text{State k's departure rate}\\ \Rightarrow\ &\eta_k = \rho^k(1-\rho) \end{aligned}\]
  • average number of customers in system \(q = E[N] = \rho / (1-\rho)\)
  • \[Var[N] = \rho / (1-\rho)^2\]


combined with Little’s formula

  • average response time \(T_q = q / \lambda = 1 / [\mu(1-\rho)]\)
  • average number of customers waiting \(w = q - \rho = \rho^2/(1-\rho)\)
  • average waiting time \(T_w = \rho / [\mu(1-\rho)]\)

M/M/n queueing

此时系统出流量最多为 \(n\mu\)

\[\eta_{k-1}\lambda + \eta_{k+1}\max(n,k+1)\mu = \eta_k (\lambda + \max(n,k-1)\mu)\] \[\begin{aligned} \eta_k &= \begin{cases} \eta_0 \rho^k \frac{1}{k!}, &k \lt n\\ \eta_0 \rho^k \frac{1}{n! n^{k-n}}, &k \geq n \end{cases}\\ \eta_0 &= [\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\frac{(n\rho)^k}{k!} + \frac{(n\rho)^k}{n!} \frac{1}{1-\rho}]^{-1}\\ q &= n\rho + \rho \frac{(n\rho)^n}{n!} \frac{\eta_0}{(1-\rho)^2} \end{aligned}\]
  • shared queue or independent queue?
    • eg. 2x M/M/1 vs M/M/2, M/M/2 win (by \(T_q\))
      • in 2x M/M/1, one process with empty queue cannot serve customer waiting in the other queue
  • shared queue + independent queue?
    • selection, followed by independent queue (supermarket model)
    • choosing shortest queue in \(d\) samples vs random choose (2001, Dr. M. Mitzenmacher, Harvard University)
  • single proessor multiple processes queueing system
    • M/M/m model

Queueing networks

Jackson’s network

  • open queueing network
  • M nodes (queueing system), independent, apply to exponential distribution of rate \(\mu_i(n)\)
  • arrival from outside to node \(\gamma_i\)
  • customer choose to enter other node or leave system with prob \(q_{ij}\ (i=\{1,\dots,M\},j=\{0,1,\dots,M\})\)

Jackson’s traffic equation

  • average arrival rate of note i \(\lambda_i = \gamma_i + \sum \lambda_j q_{ji}\)
  • total traffic \(\gamma = \sum \lambda_i q_{i0}\)
    • \(q_{i0}\) is prob of customer departure after getting serviced at node i

Single data transfering channel

  • communication task stream \(\gamma\)
  • transfer fail prob \(q\)

Jackson’s theorem (stable states distribution)

  • number of customers at node i is independent with that at other nodes
  • total arrival at node i is a Poisson stream of rate \(\lambda_i\), and

    \[\begin{aligned} &\eta(n_1, \dots, n_M) = \prod \eta_i(n_i) \\ &\eta_i(n_1) = \eta_i(0) \frac{\lambda_i^{n_i}}{\prod_{j=1}^{n_i} \mu_i(j)} \end{aligned}\]

Jackson’s network measurements

  • mean number of customers at node i \(q_i = \rho_i / (1-\rho_i)\)
  • mean response time (using Little’s formula on equivalent single queueing system) \(T_q = \sum \rho_i / (1-\rho_i) / \gamma\)
  • mean waiting time \(T_{wi} = (q_i - \rho_i) / \lambda_i\)
  • interval from arrival at node i to departure \(T_{i0} = T_{qi} + \sum q_{ij}T_{j0}\)

another viewing angle: mean visiting times at node i \(v_i\)

  • \[v_i = \lambda_i / \gamma = \gamma_i / \gamma + \sum_{j=1}^M v_j q_{ji}\]
  • \[q_{0i} = \gamma_i / \gamma\]
  • \[T_{qi} = \frac{D_i}{v_i(1-\gamma D_i)}, \quad D_i = \rho_i / \gamma\]


泊拉前克-欣钦公式 Pollaczek-Khintchine

\[T_w = \frac{\lambda}{2 (1-\lambda \underbrace{T_S}_\text{平均单次处理时间})} E[{\underbrace{T_s}_\text{一次正确服务时间}}^2]\]

Sequential network

可看作 Jackson 网络特例

每个节点独立,i.e. 系统状态为联合分布,具有乘积解

Gordon-Newell network

  • like Jackson’s network, but with \(q_{0j} = q_{i0} = 0\)
  • closed system, constant customers \(K\)
  • state space: $$S = { (n_1, \dots, n_M) n_i \geq 0, \sum n_i = K },\ S \lt \infty$$

  • traffic equation \(\lambda_i = \sum \lambda_j q_{ji}\)
  • for one non-zero solution \((e_i,\dots,e_M)\), \(\lambda_i = c \cdot e_i\)
  • stable state distribution

    \[\begin{aligned} \eta(n_1,\dots,n_M) &= \frac{1}{G} \prod_{i=1}^M x_i(n_i) \\ x_i(n_i) &= \frac{e_i^{n_i}}{\prod_{j=1}^{n_i} \mu_i(j)},\ G(M,K): \text{unitary constant} \end{aligned}\]
  • closed network equivalent open network
    • insert node \(o\), where \(\lambda_{0o}=\mu_{o0}\)

Approximative solution of queueing networks

  • limited queue length
  • priority scheduling
  • non-exponential service distribution

lead to local unbalance, 解不具有乘积解形式

Closed / open network with limited resources

  • upper bound modification \(R_U\) 悲观修改 吞吐量最小
    • 阻塞加挡/吞吐率加墙:when output is 0, let input be 0 too
    • when node 2 is full, let node 1’s input be blocked too
    • when node 1 is full, let node 2’s departure be blocked simultaneously
  • lower bound modification \(R_L\) 乐观修改 吞吐量最大
    • to avoid output being 0, don’t let arrival be blocked
    • only when the whole system is full, refuse new customers
\[\begin{cases} &R_U: n_1 \leq N_1, n_2 \leq N_2, n_1 + n_2 \neq N_1 + N_2 \\ &R_O: n_1 \leq N_1, n_2 \leq N_2 \\ &R_L: n_1 + n_2 \leq N_1 + N_2 \end{cases}\]

Shared resource system

  • upper bound modification
    • while server 1’s input is blocked, let output be blocked too
  • lower bound modification
    • cacel server 2’s priority, shares D equally

Decomposing method

Markov’s chain (MC) is NCD (Nearly Complete Decomposable, 接近完全分解)

  • iff MC’s state transferring rate matrix is approx. to diagonal blocks matrix
  • (unitizing block) 置零位置的概率补充到子系统中,满足概率之和为 1
  • (states compressing) condition: sub-sums of each row are same
    • get Concentrating matrix 集总矩阵

May rearrange states’ order, making NCD essentially states groups’ decomposing.

Petri Nets

  • graphical description of information system

Model description

  • Place (circle)
  • Transition (vertical line)
  • Directed arc
  • Token (dot in circle)

Firing rule 实施规则

  • Enable condition: each input place has at least w token
  • Fired results: input place decreases w token, output place increases w token
  • Atomic operation: tokens moving out from input place and moving into output place cannot be separated

NOTE: 同一变迁下的弧权可能不同

O <-- w1 -- | <-- w2 -- O ,  w1 != w2

Smallest token set 最小标识集 \([M_0\gt\)

系统可能达到的所有状态的集合,可达标识集 reachable token set

Reachable tree


Associated matrix, invariant