Objects 目标
Performance abstraction, representation & conprehensive analysis
e.g. 人 = 德 + 智 + 体 + …
Optimally designing systems / selection
Queueing theory, Petri nets & conbination of tests and simulations
given system (post-prototype), given workload
Simulation modeling
system / environment not given
Analytical modeling
probability, stochastic process, queueing systems, queueing networks, Petri nets, Markov-chain, etc.
- Meet intended application
- Meet efficiency & reliability requirements
- To design / build / operate systems near its optimal level of processing power under given requirements
Measures 度量
- Response time (definition varies)
Waiting time, processing time
queueing vs. serving
- Utilization
- Throughput
Missionability 可用性
If system remain operational for entire duration of a mission.
Probability of system performing correctly throughout a mission.
Reliability over long run.
Number of failures / day, MTTF, MTTR, long-term availability
Reliability vs. Dependability
- Useful for system where failure is catastrophic
- Focusing on short-term mission.
- Useful for systems where repair is possible and failure is tolerable.
- Focusing on long-term overall bahavior.
- Design experiment.
- Gather data of performance parameters (hardware / software / hybrid).
- Statistical analysis to draw meaningful concolusion.
Simulation modeling
- Construct system behavior model.
- Drive the model with appropriate abstraction of workload.
Involving experiment design, data gathering & analysis.
Analytic modeling
Construct mathematical model
Queueing, Markov-chain, Petri, etc.
Solve It!
A Systematic Approach
- State goals and define system
- List system services and outcomes
- Select performance metrics
- List parameters that affect performance
- Select factors to study
- Select evaluation technique
- Select workload
- Design experiment
- Analyze and interpret data
\[P(B|A) = \frac{P(AB)}{P(A)}\] -
\[P(AB) = P(A) P(B)\]
设 \(\Omega = E_1 + \dots + E_n\),则
\[P(A) = \sum_i{P(A|E_i)P(E_i)}\] -
\[P(E_i|A) = \frac{P(A|E_i)P(E_i)}{\sum_j{P(A|E_j)P(E_j)}}\]e.g. 线路传输问题,由以往数据传输统计数据,计算收到结果的可靠性。
- 伯努利分布(0-1分布、两点分布)
\[P\{X=k\} = C_n^k p_k (1-p)^{n-k}, \quad 0 \leq k \leq n\] -
\[P\{X=m\} = p (1-p)^{m-1}, \quad m = 1, 2, \dots\] -
\[P\{X=k\} = \frac{\lambda^k}{k!} e^{-\lambda}, \quad k=0,1,\dots\]期望与方差均为 \(\lambda\)。
- 正态分布
- Γ分布
事件发生概率与考虑的微小时间段 \(\Delta t\) 成正比,但与起起始与终止位置无关
在微小时间段发生 2 次以上事件的概率 → 0
\(P\{X(t)=n\}\) 关于 \(t\) 可微
对于泊松事件流,在长为 \(t\) 的时间间隔内事件出现的次数 \(v(t)\) 服从参数为 \(\lambda t\) 的泊松分布。
泊松过程中观察任务到达时间间隔 \(T_a\),则
\[\begin{aligned} P\{T_a < t\} &= 1 - P\{T_a \geq t\} = 1 - e^{-\lambda t } &\text{(t内多个任务到达)}\\ E(T_a) &= \frac{1}{\lambda} \end{aligned}\]随机过程
\[\{X(t), t \in \text{状态集(参数集、索引集)}\ T\}\]- 离散参数(\(t\))的随机过程:随机序列
- 离散状态(\(X(t)\))的随机过程:链
\[P\{X(t) \leq x | X(t_n) = x_n, \dots, X(t_1)=x_1\} = P\{X(t) \leq x | X(t_n)=x_n\}\]泊松过程为马尔可夫过程的特例。
- Types of workloads
- Instruction Mixes
- average instruction time
- performance of processor only a factor of entire system performance
- Processing Kernels
- generalization of Instruction Mixes
- Application Benchmark
- Instruction Mixes
- Performance monitoring
- to measure resource utilizations & to find performance bottleneck
- Event, Trace, Overhead, Domain, Input rate, Input width, Resolution
- Event-driven, Timer-driven (Sampling)
- Summarizing measured data
- Sample Mean / Median, Geometric Mean, Variability
- Experimental design
- Full Factorial Design 全因子设计
Queueing Theory
Properties of Queues
- Arrival Process (A) 输入到达过程
- arrival rate \(\lambda\)
- waiting time \(T_w\)
- Service Time Distribution (S) 服务时间
- service time \(T_s\), service rate \(\mu=T_s\)
- utilization \(\rho\)
- 即使处理能力确定,但服务时间可能在不同时刻不一样(考虑缓存情况),但认为其分布确定
time spent in system \(T_q = T_w + T_s\)
- Number of Servers (m)
- System Capacity (B) 系统容量
- Population Size (K)
- Service Discipline (SD)
Inter-arrival and service times are typically
- M Exponential, memoryless (Markov’s process)
- D Deterministic, times are constant
- G General, distribution not specified
Simple queueing system
Single server
- \[\rho = \lambda T_s\]
- \[q = w + \rho\]
- maximum arrival rate \(\lambda_\text{max}=\frac{1}{T_s}\)
- departure rate \(\min{\{\lambda, \lambda_\text{max}\}}\)
Multiple servers (single / multiple queues)
- \[\rho = \lambda / n \cdot T_s\]
- \[q = w + n \rho\]
- maximunm arrical rate \(\lambda_\text{max}=\frac{n}{T_s}\)
- departure rate \(\min{\{\lambda, \lambda_\text{max}\}}\)
General formula (Little’s formula)
- 系统中平均用户数 \(q = \lambda T_q\)
- 即从用户进入系统到出系统时间中,平均进入系统的新用户人数
- 队列中平均等待用户数 \(w = \lambda T_w\)
M/M/n modeling
arrival Markov 泊松分布, serve Markov 负指数分布, n servers
M/M/1 modeling
Assume \(N(t)\) be number of customers in system at time \(t\), \(\{N(t), t \geq 0\}\) is continuous and homogeneous Markov’s link (birth and death process)
\[p(X_s + T = j | X_s = i) = f(T)\]
- server utilization \(\rho = \lambda / \mu\)
stable states distribution \(\{\eta_k, k \geq 0\}\)
\[\begin{aligned} &\underbrace{\eta_{k-1} \lambda + \eta_{k+1} \mu}_\text{State k's generation rate} = \underbrace{\eta_k (\lambda + \mu)}_\text{State k's departure rate}\\ \Rightarrow\ &\eta_k = \rho^k(1-\rho) \end{aligned}\] - average number of customers in system \(q = E[N] = \rho / (1-\rho)\)
- \[Var[N] = \rho / (1-\rho)^2\]
combined with Little’s formula
- average response time \(T_q = q / \lambda = 1 / [\mu(1-\rho)]\)
- average number of customers waiting \(w = q - \rho = \rho^2/(1-\rho)\)
- average waiting time \(T_w = \rho / [\mu(1-\rho)]\)
M/M/n queueing
此时系统出流量最多为 \(n\mu\)
\[\eta_{k-1}\lambda + \eta_{k+1}\max(n,k+1)\mu = \eta_k (\lambda + \max(n,k-1)\mu)\] \[\begin{aligned} \eta_k &= \begin{cases} \eta_0 \rho^k \frac{1}{k!}, &k \lt n\\ \eta_0 \rho^k \frac{1}{n! n^{k-n}}, &k \geq n \end{cases}\\ \eta_0 &= [\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\frac{(n\rho)^k}{k!} + \frac{(n\rho)^k}{n!} \frac{1}{1-\rho}]^{-1}\\ q &= n\rho + \rho \frac{(n\rho)^n}{n!} \frac{\eta_0}{(1-\rho)^2} \end{aligned}\]- shared queue or independent queue?
- eg. 2x M/M/1 vs M/M/2, M/M/2 win (by \(T_q\))
- in 2x M/M/1, one process with empty queue cannot serve customer waiting in the other queue
- eg. 2x M/M/1 vs M/M/2, M/M/2 win (by \(T_q\))
- shared queue + independent queue?
- selection, followed by independent queue (supermarket model)
- choosing shortest queue in \(d\) samples vs random choose (2001, Dr. M. Mitzenmacher, Harvard University)
- single proessor multiple processes queueing system
- M/M/m model
Queueing networks
Jackson’s network
- open queueing network
- M nodes (queueing system), independent, apply to exponential distribution of rate \(\mu_i(n)\)
- arrival from outside to node \(\gamma_i\)
- customer choose to enter other node or leave system with prob \(q_{ij}\ (i=\{1,\dots,M\},j=\{0,1,\dots,M\})\)
Jackson’s traffic equation
- average arrival rate of note i \(\lambda_i = \gamma_i + \sum \lambda_j q_{ji}\)
- total traffic \(\gamma = \sum \lambda_i q_{i0}\)
- \(q_{i0}\) is prob of customer departure after getting serviced at node i
Single data transfering channel
- communication task stream \(\gamma\)
- transfer fail prob \(q\)
Jackson’s theorem (stable states distribution)
- number of customers at node i is independent with that at other nodes
total arrival at node i is a Poisson stream of rate \(\lambda_i\), and
\[\begin{aligned} &\eta(n_1, \dots, n_M) = \prod \eta_i(n_i) \\ &\eta_i(n_1) = \eta_i(0) \frac{\lambda_i^{n_i}}{\prod_{j=1}^{n_i} \mu_i(j)} \end{aligned}\]
Jackson’s network measurements
- mean number of customers at node i \(q_i = \rho_i / (1-\rho_i)\)
- mean response time (using Little’s formula on equivalent single queueing system) \(T_q = \sum \rho_i / (1-\rho_i) / \gamma\)
- mean waiting time \(T_{wi} = (q_i - \rho_i) / \lambda_i\)
- interval from arrival at node i to departure \(T_{i0} = T_{qi} + \sum q_{ij}T_{j0}\)
another viewing angle: mean visiting times at node i \(v_i\)
- \[v_i = \lambda_i / \gamma = \gamma_i / \gamma + \sum_{j=1}^M v_j q_{ji}\]
- \[q_{0i} = \gamma_i / \gamma\]
- \[T_{qi} = \frac{D_i}{v_i(1-\gamma D_i)}, \quad D_i = \rho_i / \gamma\]
泊拉前克-欣钦公式 Pollaczek-Khintchine
\[T_w = \frac{\lambda}{2 (1-\lambda \underbrace{T_S}_\text{平均单次处理时间})} E[{\underbrace{T_s}_\text{一次正确服务时间}}^2]\]Sequential network
可看作 Jackson 网络特例
每个节点独立,i.e. 系统状态为联合分布,具有乘积解
Gordon-Newell network
- like Jackson’s network, but with \(q_{0j} = q_{i0} = 0\)
- closed system, constant customers \(K\)
state space: $$S = { (n_1, \dots, n_M) n_i \geq 0, \sum n_i = K },\ S \lt \infty$$
- traffic equation \(\lambda_i = \sum \lambda_j q_{ji}\)
- for one non-zero solution \((e_i,\dots,e_M)\), \(\lambda_i = c \cdot e_i\)
stable state distribution
\[\begin{aligned} \eta(n_1,\dots,n_M) &= \frac{1}{G} \prod_{i=1}^M x_i(n_i) \\ x_i(n_i) &= \frac{e_i^{n_i}}{\prod_{j=1}^{n_i} \mu_i(j)},\ G(M,K): \text{unitary constant} \end{aligned}\] - closed network equivalent open network
- insert node \(o\), where \(\lambda_{0o}=\mu_{o0}\)
Approximative solution of queueing networks
- limited queue length
- priority scheduling
- non-exponential service distribution
lead to local unbalance, 解不具有乘积解形式
Closed / open network with limited resources
- upper bound modification \(R_U\) 悲观修改 吞吐量最小
- 阻塞加挡/吞吐率加墙:when output is 0, let input be 0 too
- when node 2 is full, let node 1’s input be blocked too
- when node 1 is full, let node 2’s departure be blocked simultaneously
- lower bound modification \(R_L\) 乐观修改 吞吐量最大
- to avoid output being 0, don’t let arrival be blocked
- only when the whole system is full, refuse new customers
Shared resource system
- upper bound modification
- while server 1’s input is blocked, let output be blocked too
- lower bound modification
- cacel server 2’s priority, shares D equally
Decomposing method
Markov’s chain (MC) is NCD (Nearly Complete Decomposable, 接近完全分解)
- iff MC’s state transferring rate matrix is approx. to diagonal blocks matrix
- (unitizing block) 置零位置的概率补充到子系统中,满足概率之和为 1
- (states compressing) condition: sub-sums of each row are same
- get Concentrating matrix 集总矩阵
May rearrange states’ order, making NCD essentially states groups’ decomposing.
Petri Nets
- graphical description of information system
Model description
- Place (circle)
- Transition (vertical line)
- Directed arc
- Token (dot in circle)
Firing rule 实施规则
- Enable condition: each input place has at least w token
- Fired results: input place decreases w token, output place increases w token
- Atomic operation: tokens moving out from input place and moving into output place cannot be separated
NOTE: 同一变迁下的弧权可能不同
O <-- w1 -- | <-- w2 -- O , w1 != w2
Smallest token set 最小标识集 \([M_0\gt\)
系统可能达到的所有状态的集合,可达标识集 reachable token set
Reachable tree
Associated matrix, invariant