Introduction to Computer Systems Notes

Key Concepts

Computer Parts

  • 控制部件
  • 执行部件

Machine Representation


(IEEE 754 based)

  • 32-bit single precision
    • 1:S 8:Exponent 23:Significand
  • 64-bit double precision
    • 1:S 11:Exponent 52:Significand


  • 32-bit single precision
    • \[(-1)^{\text{S}} \times (\overline{1. \text{Significand}}) \times 2^{\text{Exponent} - 127}\]
  • 64-bit double precision
    • \[(-1)^{\text{S}} \times (\overline{1. \text{Significand}}) \times 2^{\text{Exponent} - 1023}\]


Exponent is zero, Significand non-zero.

  • 32-bit single precision
    • \[(-1)^{\text{S}} \times (\overline{0. \text{Significand}}) \times 2^{-126}\]
  • 64-bit double precision
    • \[(-1)^{\text{S}} \times (\overline{0. \text{Significand}}) \times 2^{-1022}\]


Exponent is zero, Significand is zero.

  • Positive: 0 000... 000...
  • Negative: 1 000... 000...


Exponent all 1, Significand is zero.

  • Positive: 0 111... 000...
  • Negative: 1 111... 000...


Exponent all 1, Significand is non-zero.

  • Quiet: ? 111... 1??...
  • Signaling: ? 111... 0??...



  微指令是微程序级命令,属于 硬件范畴

  控制部件 通过 控制线路执行部件 发出各种控制指令(即 微指令)。


  机器指令处于 硬件与软件的交界面

  若干条 微指令 可以构成一个 微程序,而一个微程序就对应了一个 机器指令

  微程序固化在 CPU 内部的控制存储器中,机器运行时只读不写。微程序规定了电路级的工作方式。

  • 操作码 寻址方式 寄存器编号 立即数(位移量)

伪指令 / 宏指令

  伪指令是由若干条 机器指令 组成的指令序列,属于 软件范畴


  1. C source file (hello.c) to preprocessor, get preprocessed source (hello.i)
    • gcc -E flag
  2. Preprocessed source (hello.i) to compiler, get assembly source (hello.s)
    • gcc -S flag
  3. Assembly source (hello.s) to assembler, get relocatable object file (hello.o)
  4. Object file (hello.o) and precompiled libraries (e.g. printf.o) to linker, get binary executable (hello)

Binary File Conventions

ELF (Executable and Linkable File)

  1. ELF header section
    • 包含文件结构说明信息
  2. .text: code section
  3. .rodata: read-only data section
  4. .data: initialized data section
  5. .bss: uninitialized data section
  6. .symtab: symbol table section
  7. .rel.txt: code relocation info section
  8. .rel.dat: data relocation info section
  9. .debug: debug info section
    • gcc -g flag
  10. .strtab
  11. .line
  12. Section header table
    • 由若干个表项组成,每个节都有一个表项与之对应,每个表项描述对应的一个节的信息


  1. ELF header section
  2. Program header section
  3. .init: initialization section
  4. .text: code section
  5. .rodata: read-only data section
  6. .data: initialized data section
  7. .bss: uninitialized data section
  8. .symtab: symbol table section
  9. .rel.txt: code relocation info section
  10. .rel.dat: data relocation info section
  11. .debug: debug info section
  12. .strtab
  13. .line
  14. Section header table

In which, 0~5 are read-only, 6~7 are read-write, rest are not loaded during runtime.



  • Global Symbols
    • Non-static function and non-static global variables.
  • Local Symbols
    • Static functions and global variables.

      Local variables are defined during runtime, stored temporarily in stack. They are NOT local symbols, and NOT linker’s concern.

  • External Symbols
    • Global symbols defined externally, i.e. defined in other modules but referenced by this module.

Symbol Resolution

  也称 符号绑定,是将 引用符号定义符号 建立关联的过程。


强 / 弱特性
  • 强符号定义
    • 函数名和已初始化的全局变量名
  • 弱符号定义
    • 未初始化的全局变量名


  1. 强符号不能多次定义
  2. 若一个符号被定义为一次强符号和多次弱符号,则按强定义为准
  3. 若有多个弱符号定义,则任选其中一个


Linker maintains three sets, namely

  • E: target files that will be merged into the final executable
  • U: unresoluted references of symbols
  • D: resoluted symbols


gcc -static -o myfunc func.o libx.a liby.a libz.a

Order counts! First define, then reference. Otherwise, there will be symbols left in the U set, causing linker error.

Relocation / 重定位

\[\begin{align} \text{Relocation Value} &= \text{Target Addr.} - \text{PC} \,, \\ \\ \text{where} \> \text{PC} &= \text{Addr. of the next instruction} \\ &= \text{addr. of section .text} + \text{addr. of current instruction} - \text{init} \,. \\ \end{align}\]


Assuming <main> is at 0x08048380, <swap> at 0x08048394.

00000000 <main>:
6:          e8 fc ff ff ff      call <main+0x7>

After linking,

08048380 <main>:
 8048386:   e8 09 00 00 00      call 8048394


Integer Division


\[-14 / 4 = -3\]


\[\begin{align} &\because 4_{10} = 100_{2} \,, \\ &\therefore K := 2 \,, \\ &\therefore (-14 + (2^K - 1)) \gg 4 = -3 \,. \end{align}\]


1111_0010 + 0000_0011 = 1111_0101
1111_0101 >> 2 = 1111_1101 = -3

Integer Multiplication

  • Break down to additions

Floating-Point Addition

  1. 求阶差
  2. 对阶
    • 小阶向大阶看齐
    • 为保证精度,保留部分尾数为 附加位
  3. 尾数加减
    • [IEEE 754] 定点源码小数加减,带附加位
  4. 规格化
    • \[\pm 0.\text{bbb}\dots \> \text{and} \> \pm 1\text{b}.\text{bbb}\dots \Rightarrow \pm 1.\text{bbb}\dots\]
  5. 尾数舍入
  6. 若运算结果尾数为 0,则需要将阶码也置 0

Floating-Point Multiplication / Division

  • 尾数相乘 / 除,阶码相加减

Special Notes

  • In the C programming language…
    • when using the << and >> operators, logical shift is applied to unsigned-s, arithmetic shift is applied to signed-s.
    • when casting between types of different bit length, bit extension / cut-off will take place.
      • sign-bit extension is applied to unsigned-s, whilst 0 extension is applied to signed-s.