Living in Arch, i3wm, Vim etc

Starting as a basic reminder of the special hacks.


Chinese input method

  1. Install fcitx and fcitx-sunpinyin, finally the fcitx-im front-end group.
  2. Set environment variables and start up commands.
  3. Add fcitx -d -r --enable fcitx-sunpinyin.
  4. Utilize the fcitx-configtool to get the rest working.

Copying from Vim to Clipboard / Primary / Selection or whatever it is.

  1. Install xclip.
  2. Go back to Vim, and enter :!xclip -f % to yank the text in current file to Clipboard / Primary / Selection or whatever.
  3. Go to where you’d like to paste, and hit middle mouse button

Alternatively, in terminal, type

cat file-to-yank | xclip
xclip -o                    # check if yanked correctly
xclip -o | xclip -sel clip  # send from PRIMARY to CLIPBOARD

and Ctrl-V should work now.

Interestingly though, if you have installed fcitx-sunpinyin, a regular "+yy followed by a Ctrl-; would get you a pop-up list of yanked texts.

Secondary display notes

xrandr --output HDMI2 --auto        # if it is not turned on by default
xrandr --output HDMI2 --dpi 165     # NOTE: the dpi change is applied GLOBALLY!
xrandr --output HDMI2 --right-of eDP1 --rotate left     # the programmer's setup

Installing fonts

cp times*<TAB> ~/.fonts/            # copy font files to user local font dir
                                    # the wildcard makes sure all variations
                                    #     are copied
fc-cache -fv ~/.fonts/              # update font cache

Changes should take effect after a restart of the running program.